
300 Idioms in English and Urdu PDF | Idiom Meaning and Definition

Idioms in English and Urdu are used in both spoken and written English. These idioms are helpful in building English Vocabulary and Spoken Skills. This lesson will help you in remembering 300 Idioms in English and Urdu
Written by Tayyab

Idioms in English and Urdu

What is an Idiom?

An idiom is a phrase, saying, or a group of words with a metaphorical meaning, which has become accepted in common usage. For Example  A blessing in disguise, Adding insult to injury etc.

Idioms in English and Urdu are used in both spoken and written English. These idioms are helpful in building English Vocabulary and Spoken Skills. This lesson will help you in remembering 300 Idioms in English and Urdu

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Idioms in English and Urdu are used in both spoken and written English. These idioms are helpful in building English Vocabulary and Spoken Skills. This lesson will help you in remembering 300 Idioms in English and Urdu

Idioms in English and Urdu are used in both spoken and written English. These idioms are helpful in building English Vocabulary and Spoken Skills. This lesson will help you in remembering 300 Idioms in English and Urdu


To grind one’s own axe اپنا الو سیدھا کرنا
To have someone at one’s beck and call انگلی پر نچانا
To throw dust into one’s eyes آنکھ میں دھول جھونکنا
To be face to face, to fall in love آنکھ چار ہونا
To blow one’s own trumpet اپنی کھچڑی الگ پکانا
To move heaven and earth زمین آسمان ایک کرنا
To be in or out of temper آپے سے باہر ہونا
To be in the puppet in the hands of اشارے پر نچانا
To beat black and blue کچومڑ نکالنا
To be on one’s guard کان کھڑؑے ہونا
To poison one’s ears کان بھرنا
To turn a deaf ear to کان پر جوں نہ رینگنا
To be a bookworm کتاب کا کیڑا ہونا
To get into hot water کھٹائی میں پڑنا
To be in a fit, to be at one’s end حواس باختہ ہونا
To beat about the bush ادھر ادھر کی ہانکنا
To strain every nerve ایڑٰی چوٹی کا پسینہ ایک کرنا
To pocket an insult خون کا گھونٹ پینا
To build a castle in the air ہوائی قلعہ بنانا
To turn turtle گاڑی الٹ جانا
To go to the dogs چولہے بھاڑ میں جانا
To guild a lily چار چاند لگنا
To shout oneself hoarse چلاتے چلاتے گلا بجھ جانا
To be hands and gloves چولی دامن کا ساتھ ہونا
To add fuel to the flame جلتی آگ میں گھی ڈالنا
To add insult to injury جلے پر نمک چھڑکنا
To throw a wet blanket جوش پر پانی پھیرنا
To pay back in one’s own coins جیسا کا تیسا ملنا
To have something on one’s finger’s end زبان پر ہونا
To pick holes in other’s coat نکتہ چینی کرنا
To set one’s cap on somebody ڈورے ڈالنا
To meet a watery grave ڈوب کر مرنا
To turn the table پانسہ پلٹ دینا
To be beside oneself with joy پھولے نہ سمانا
To make much of oneself بہت بننا
To be not on speaking terms with بول چال نہ ہونا
To threaten with paper bullets بندر گھڑ کی دینا
To have hair breadth escape بال بال بچنا
To mouth waters منہ سے رال ٹپکنا
To make a fun  of مذاق اڑانا
To look up to منہ تاکنا
To fight shy of منہ چرانا
To pull/wear a long face منہ لٹکانا
To give a good retort منہ توڑ جواب دینا
To be under the thumb of مٹھی میں ہونا
To leaps and bounds دن دوگنی رات چو گنا
Heart and soul تن من سے
To make a mountain of a molehill رائی سے پہاڑ بنانا
To catch red-handed رنگے ہاتھ پکڑنا
To have a screw loose سر پھر جانا
To turn one’s  feather according to weather ہوا کا رخ دیکھنا
To be alert آّنکھیں کھلنا
To wait eagerly آنکھ بچھانا
To be shameless آنکھوں کا پانی گر جانا
To be furious/ angry آنکھیں نیلی پیلی کرنا
To put pressure to control قابو پانا
To deceive انگوٹھا دکھانا
To argue. To hesitate اگر مگر کرنا
To be disappointed امید پر پانی پھیرنا


List of 300 Idioms in English with Urdu Meanings. Idioms are helpful to build spoken and written English

List of 300 Idioms in English with Urdu Meanings. Idioms are helpful to build spoken and written English

List of 300 Idioms in English with Urdu Meanings. Idioms are helpful to build spoken and written English

List of 300 Idioms in English with Urdu Meanings. Iidioms are helpful to build spoken and written English

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