About Us

About Us

Who we are?

“ILM Ocean” is an English learning platform for Urdu-speaking people. We are determined to provide you with ever best content to enhance your English speaking skills.

Why English is Important?

  1. It is an international common language.
  2. It is the language of academia.
  3. It gives you access to a wealth of written media, online and printed.
  4. It comes in handy when travelling.
  5. It is essential if you want to work in an international business or commerce.

Seeing its importance, we decided to build an English learning platform for Urdu speaking people. We saw people struggling with English learning content. ILM Ocean has become dramatically helpful English learning platform for people of the subcontinent.

How we are providing our services?

We are making English learning easy for people by providing:

  • Daily use sentences
  • English Vocabulary
  • Essential English Grammar
  • PDF Notes

Along with this blog, we have an active social media platform named “ILM Ocean” where you can get lots of helping material regarding English. We are trying our best to help our visitors to get some useful material on every visit.