
Common Errors in use of Nouns with Explanation

In English Grammar, Correction of Errors in Nouns is very important. Common Errors in use of Nouns are explained in English and Urdu very well. You will learn how to Correct your errors in nouns. Here in this lesson all the errors are explained in 7 Rules.
Written by Tayyab

In English Grammar, Correction of Errors in Nouns is very important. Common Errors in use of Nouns are explained in English and Urdu very well. You will learn how to Correct your errors in nouns. Here in this lesson all the errors are explained in 7 Rules.

Rules for the correction of errors in the use of noun

Rule No.1: Some nouns are used in singular form.

کچھ ناؤن ہمیشہ واحد شکل میں استعمال کیے جاتے ہیں بے شک وہ واحد کا مفہوم ادا کریں یا جمع کا مفہوم ادا کریں۔

We don’t use “s” or “es” with these nouns.

Sheep بھیڑ Cattle مویشی
Fish مچھلی Deer ہرن
Poor غریب People لوگ
Hair بال Swine سؤر
Luggage سامان Vacation تعطیلات
Poetry شاعری Infantry پیدل فوج
Cavalry گھڑسوار Scenery نظارہ
Stationary لکھنے پڑھنے کا سامان Furniture فرنیچر
Bunting جھنڈیاں Poultry مرغیاںوغیرہ
Machinery مشینری Offspring بچے؛ اولاد


1(a). My sheeps are grazing. (Incorrect)

1(b). My sheep are grazing. (Correct)

2(a). This room has no furnitures. (Incorrect)

2(b). This room has no furniture. (Correct)

3(a). My hairs are silky. (Incorrect)

3(b). My hair are silky. (Correct)

In English Grammar, Correction of Errors in Nouns is very important. Common Errors in use of Nouns are explained in English and Urdu very well. You will learn how to Correct your errors in nouns. Here in this lesson all the errors are explained in 7 Rules.

Rule No. 2: Some nouns are used in plural form.

مندرجہ ذیل ہمیشہ جمع شکل میں استعمال ہوتے ہیں بے شک وہ واحد کا مفہوم ادا کریں۔

News خبر؛ خبریں Orders حکم؛ احکامات
Socks جرابیں Trousers پاجامہ
Scissors قینچی Tongs چمٹا؛ چمٹی
Spectacles عینک Studies پڑھائ
Arms اسلحہ Goods سامان
Mumps کن پیڑے Politics سیاست
Innings اننگز Mathematics ریاضی
Measles خسرہ Ethics اخلاقیات
Wages اجرت Proceedings کاروائ
Summons عدالت کا بلاوا Means ذریعہ؛ ذرائع


1(a). Pakistan won the match by an inning. (Incorrect)

1(b). Pakistan won the match by an innings. (Correct)

2(a). He is demanding high wage. (Incorrect)

2(b). He is demanding high wages. (Correct)

3(a). You have to obey my order. (Incorrect)

3(b). You have to obey my orders. (Correct)

Note: when we use studies and order as a verb then we can write them without “s” or “es”.

کے بغیر استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ esیاs استعمال ہوتے ہیں تو verbجب بطور     Ordersاور Studies

  1. I order you to go there. (Correct)
  2. Do you study your lesson daily? (Correct)

Some nouns are used in plural form. مندرجہ ذیل ہمیشہ جمع شکل میں استعمال ہوتے ہیں بے شک وہ واحد کا مفہوم ادا کریں

Rule No.3: Some nouns are used in singular form when they are used after a number.

کا انکے ساتھ استعمال نہیں ہوگا۔s یاes کچھ ناؤن اگر کسی عددی نمبر کے بعد لکھے جائیں تو

Dozen درجن Gross گرس(12 درجنوں کا مجموعہ)
Score کوڑی(بیس چیزوںکامجموعہ) Hundred سو
Thousand ہزار Head فی کس
Pair جوڑا Yoke بیلوں کی جوڑی
Stone  کلوگرام6.35 Million دس لاکھ


1(a). He gave me three hundreds rupees. (Incorrect)

1(b). He gave me three hundred rupees. (Correct)

2(a). He has two yokes of oxen. (Incorrect)

2(b). He has two yokes of oxen. (Correct)

Some nouns are used in singular form when they are used after a number.  کا انکے ساتھ استعمال نہیں ہوگا۔s یاes کچھ ناؤن اگر کسی عددی نمبر کے بعد لکھے جائیں تو

Rule No.4: A: We always use singular verbs after collective noun when action of its member is united.

B: We always use a plural verb after collective noun when the action of its member is not united.

اگر  کسی اسم جمع کے تمام ارکان آپس میں متفق ہوں تو  فعل اور امدادی فعل  واحد استعمال ہوتا

ہے۔لیکن اگر تمام ارکان متفق نہ ہوں توفعل اور امدادی فعل جمع استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔


1(a). The jury were unanimous in its verdict. (Incorrect)

1(b). The jury was unanimous in its verdict. (Correct)

2(a). The jury was divided in their verdict. (Incorrect)

2(b). The jury were divided in their verdict. (Correct)

We always use singular verbs after collective noun when action of its member is united. B: We always use a plural verb after collective noun when the action of its member is not unite

Rule No.5: Material nouns have no plural number.

)کی جمع نہیں ہوتی۔Material nounاسم مادہ(


1(a). He had a bag of rices. (Incorrect)

1(b). He had a bag of rice. (Correct)

2(a). Much golds were found there. (Incorrect)

2(b). Much gold was found there. (Correct)

Material nouns have no plural number. )کی جمع نہیں ہوتی۔Material nounاسم مادہ(

Rule No.6: Abstract nouns have no plural numbers. If we want to indicate their number, we use the words, “piece of , pieces of, acts of etc.


1(a). He gave me an advice. (Incorrect)

1(b). He gave me a piece of advice. (Correct)

2(a). He gave many advices. (Incorrect)

2(b). He gave me many pieces of advice. (Correct)

Rule No.7: We use   ‘s   only with living things and we use “of” to show possession for non-living things.


1(a). This building’s parts are being repaired. (Incorrect)

2(b). The parts of this building are being repaired. (Correct)

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Correction of Errors in Nouns

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