English Sentences

English to Urdu Sentences for Fluent English Speaking

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.
Written by Tayyab

English to Urdu sentences play a pivotal role in bridging linguistic gaps and fostering effective communication between people who speak these two distinct languages. Urdu, a rich and melodious language with roots in the Indian subcontinent, is spoken by millions of people worldwide. However, due to the global prevalence of English as a lingua franca, the need for translating English sentences into Urdu has become increasingly important. Whether it’s for business, education, or simply connecting with friends and family, the ability to convert English text into comprehensible Urdu sentences is a valuable skill. In this essay, we will explore the significance of English to Urdu sentences, their practical applications, and the tools and techniques available to aid in this vital process. Furthermore, we will delve into the cultural and linguistic nuances that make English to Urdu translation a fascinating and essential endeavor in our interconnected world.

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. This lesson contains all the important and daily use sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation.

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50 English to Urdu Sentences for English Speaking

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

1 I don’t have good terms with him. میرے اس سے تعلقات خراب ہیں۔
2 He is not on speaking terms with me. اس کی مجھ سے بات چیت نہیں ہے۔
3 What return did I get? مجھے کیا صلہ ملا؟
4 You are carping tongued. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔
5 Don’t follow my words. میری نقل مت اتارو۔
6 Read my lips. میری بات غور سے سنو۔
7 All are not like you. سب تمہارے جیسے نہیں ہیں۔
8 It is available over there. یہ وہاں ملتا ہے۔
9 Let him do what he is doing. کرنے دو جو وہ کرتا ہے۔
10 Has he got there safe and sound? کیا وہ خیر خیریت سے پہنچ گیا ہے؟
11 Where were you left? آپ کہاں رہ گئے تھے؟
12 What are you here for? تم کس مرض کی دوا ہو؟
13 God’s mill grinds slow but sure. خدا کے گھر دیر ہے اندھیر نہیں۔
14 I’m very familiar with him. میں اسے بڑے قریب سے جانتا ہوں۔
15 It is not right time to do good. اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔
16 The one who fears is no more. جو خوف کھا گیا سمجھو مر گیا۔
17 Purify yourself before I come. میرے آنے سے پہلے وضو کر لو۔
18 Love begets love. دل کودل سے راہ ہوتی ہے۔
19 You are very brute. تم بڑے وحشی ہو۔
20 Your tongue works like scissors. تمہاری زبان قینچی کی طرح چلتی ہے۔
21 Sitting beside me, don’t do such things. میرے پاس بیٹھ کر ایسی حرکتیں نہ کیا کرو۔
22 I’m regarding you. میں تمہارا لحاظ کر رہا ہوں۔
23 It will be under the book. یہ کتاب کے نیچے ہو گی۔
24 He was going to bump into the wall. اسکا سر دیوار کے ساتھ لگنے لگا تھا۔
25 If he gets cold, he will pass away. اگر اسے سردی لگ گئی تو وہ مر جائے گا۔
26 I have a bone to prick with you. مجھے تم سے شکایت ہے۔
27 You will be facing the music. تم ہی بھگت رہے ہو گے۔
28 You can’t save your skin. تم نہیں بچ سکتے۔
29 Everybody is selfish at present. اس وقت ہر کوئی خود غرض ہے۔
30 He lacks wisdom. اس میں عقل کی کمی  ہے۔
31 Have you got used to? کیا تمہارا دل لگ گیا ہے؟
32 Do not gesticulate. ہاتھ سے اشارہ مت کرو۔
33 It is his teasing word. یہ اس کی چھیڑ ہے۔
34 You have put me in a fix. تم نے مجھے الجھن میں ڈال دیا ہے۔
35 You should better avoid me. تم مجھ سے بچ کر رہو
36 How many times should I tell you? کتنی دفعہ میں آپ کو بتاؤ؟
37 Do not get out of your limits. اپنی حد سے مت بڑھو۔
38 Stay within your limits. اپنی حدود میں رہو۔
39 Why are you against him? تم اسکے خلاف کیوں ہو؟
40 You have hit the spot. تم نے بڑے پتے کی بات کی ہے۔
41 I almost spoke. میں بولتے بولتے رہ گیا۔
42 What should I do with it? میں اس کا کیا کروں؟
43 The class is in progress. کلاس ہو رہی ہے۔
44 Don’t you damn care? کیا تمہیں زرا بھی پرواہ نہیں ہے؟
45 Set the watch going. گھڑی کو چلا دو۔
46 I didn’t recognize you. میں نے آپ کو نہیں پہچانا۔
47 You take my words bitter. تم کو میری باتیں کڑوی لگتی ہیں۔
48 I did what I thought proper. میں نے  وہی کیا جو مجھے مناسب لگا۔
49 He is a very crooked person. وہ بدمعاش آدمی ہے۔
50 What is going on? کیا ہورہا ہے؟

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

English Urdu sentences for daily conversation. تمہاری زبان کالی ہے۔ /You are carping tongued. /اچھائی کا زمانہ ہی نہیں ہے۔ /It is not right time to do good. You can DOWNLOAD PDF of this complete lesson this lesson contains all the important and daily use important sentences that are very useful in Urdu and English sentences translation. These basic sentences of English with Urdu translation are basic simple sentences.

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