English Vocabulary

13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )
Written by Tayyab


This article will teach you about Interesting Fruits That Start With R. These fruits that start with could enhance your Fruits list. Sometimes you go to the grocery store and buy some fruits that you know Rambutan or raspberry etc. But I think you have to try some new fruits which I will provide you with in this blog. Here you will see some new fruit names that start with R which is very delicious and healthy for the human body. So just stay with us and keep scrolling down and some new fruits list!

List Of Fruits That Start With R

In this section you will get a list of Fruits That start with R. These fruits are very delicious and healthy for the human body. Hope you are enjoying seeing some new fruits.

Riberry Fruit

13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

Riberry is a yummy fruit that grows in the rainforests of eastern Australia. It’s a small, round berry about the size of a marble, with a bright red color.

Red Grapes

13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

Red grapes are those juicy red balls of sweetness you might find in a bunch at the store. They come in different shades of red, from deep crimson to bright ruby. Unlike green grapes, red ones tend to have a bit more of a fruity punch and a touch sweeter flavor


13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

Redcurrants are tiny red berries that are great for your tummy! They have lots of fiber which helps things move along smoothly. Plus, they’re loaded with vitamin C, which keeps you healthy from the inside out.


13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

The biribá is a tropical fruit from South America that’s part of the same family as custard apples. It grows on trees in warm places around the world and has a few nicknames, like “lemon meringue pie fruit” and “wild sugar-apple.”


13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

Rambutans are like tiny powerhouses for your body! They’re full of potassium, which helps your muscles move, your heart pump, and your kidneys do their job. Plus, they’re packed with vitamin C, which fights off bad stuff in your body and keeps you healthy.


13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

Red raspberries are little warriors for your health! They have things called antioxidants, like vitamin C, that help fight off bad cells in your body. This can help protect you from getting sick, including heart problems and even some cancers.


Imagine a lime that’s super sour and has a hint of smoky flavor – that’s a Rangpur! These tart fruits come from India, named after a place called Rangpur where they were probably first grown.

Red banana

Red bananas are great for your eyes! They have special things called antioxidants, like lutein and beta-carotene, that help keep your eyes healthy. Beta-carotene is also like a helper for vitamin A, another important eye vitamin.


The Rajka apple is a modern marvel from the Czech Republic. This disease-resistant hybrid was bred specifically for eating, offering a delightful mix of sweet and juicy flesh with a hint of strawberry.


Melons are like juicy sponges packed with water, making them super refreshing and low in calories. They’re also a great source of potassium, which helps your heart function, and vitamins B and C to keep you healthy. Eating melons can even help keep your cholesterol in check!

Rose Apple

Rose apples are loaded with vitamin C, which acts like tiny warriors inside your body. They fight off bad things like bacteria and fungus, keeping your cells healthy and your skin glowing!


Raisins are tiny friends for your tummy! They have fiber that helps things move along smoothly and keeps your digestion happy. Raisins also contain a special ingredient called tartaric acid, which might help reduce inflammation, keep your gut working well.

Red Mombin


Red mombin isn’t just a tasty fruit, it’s also medicinal! The fruit itself can help you get rid of excess fluids and relax muscles. People sometimes use it for allergies too. The bark extract is used to soothe stomach troubles like dysentery, and in the Philippines, even kids get a little bark sap to help with mouth sores.

13+ Interesting Fruits That Start With R ( Images With Explanation )

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