
Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu PDF

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching.
Written by Tayyab

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching. You will learn Past Perfect Continuous Tense with simplest examples and structures with exercises as well.

We also have various posts of Sentences in English with Urdu Translation. 2000+ English to Urdu Sentences for beginners who have just started learning English. These 2000+ Sentences in English and Urdu will help you learn more and more English in no time. This website will be useful for you because we have English Grammar, English Sentences, English Vocabulary and many articles related to English Learning.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to talk about those actions which started in past, continued for sometime and then came to the completion. The only thing to remember is the Time Period. We have to tell the time from when the action started. This tense uses Since and For. Lets understand how to use Since and For.


When we are given the Point of Time, we will use Since with that. By point of time we mean that we must know the exact time of start of certain action. For example since morning, since evening, since Friday, since 13 February, since 2020, since 9’o clock etc.


When we are given the Period of Time, we will use For with that. By Period of time we mean that we only know the duration of action, not the time of start of action. For example for 10 minutes, for 3 days, for 6 months, for 4 years, for many days, for months, for years etc.

Example Sentences

He had been studying in this college for two years.

She had been washing clothes since morning.


  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense uses Fourth Form of Verb (v1-ing).
  • Helping Verb used in Past Perfect Continuous Tense is Had. Since it is the only helping verb of this Tense, so it will be used with all the subjects.

Lets now understand Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Examples of Positive, Negative, Interrogative and Negative + Interrogative Sentences.

Positive Sentences

Structure of Positive Sentences in Past Perfect Continuous Tense is given below

Subject + had been + ing form of verb + object + since/for +Time.

He had been studying in this college for two years. وہ دو سالوں تک اس کالج میں پڑھتا رہا تھا ۔
She had been washing clothes since morning. وہ صبح سے کپڑے دھو رہی تھی۔
He had been writing his homework since morning. وہ صبح سے اپنا ہوم ورک لکھ رہی تھی ۔
I had been waiting for you since 10 A.M. میں 10 بجے سے آپکا انتظار کر رہا تھا ۔
The farmer had been cutting the crop for two hours. کسان دو گھنٹے سے فصل کاٹ رہا تھا ۔
The girl had been dancing since evening. لڑکی شام دے ناچ رہی تھی ۔
People had been watching T.V for two hours. لوگ دو گھنٹے سے ٹی وی  دیکھ رہے تھے ۔
Sara had been learning her lesson since morning. سارہ صبح سے اپنا سبق یاد نہیں کر رہی تھی ۔
The people had been walking since many years. لوگ کئی سالوں سے چل رہے تھے ۔
The ship had been sailing since 4:00 PM. بحری جہاز 4 بجے سےتیر رہا تھا ۔

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching.


Negative Sentences

Structure of Negative Sentences in Past Perfect Continuous Tense is given below

Subject + had not + been + ing form + object + since/for +time.

The girl had not seeing the baby since morning. لڑکی صبح سے بچے کو نہیں دیکھ رہی تھی۔
The police had not been catching the thief for 3 years. پولیس 4 سال سے چور کو نہیں پکڑ رہی تھی ۔
The Govt had not been changing the prices since many years. حکومت کئی مہینوں سے قیمتیں تبدیل نہیں کر رہی تھی ۔
The floor had not been breaking since evening. فرش شام سے ٹوٹ نہیں رہا تھا ۔
The students had not been solving the papers for two hours. طالب علم دو گھنٹے سے پرچہ حل نہیں کر رہے تھے۔
She had not been completing her work since many weeks. وہ کئی ہفتوں سے اپنا کام مکمل نہیں کر رہی تھی ۔
The girls had not been working machine since morning. لڑکیاں صبح سے مشین نہیں چلا رہی تھیں ۔
The boats had not been sailing on the ocean since evening. کشتیاں شام سے سمندر میں تیر نہیں رہی ہیں ۔
The school had not been opening after corona Virus for ten months. کرونا وائرس کے بعد دس مہینوں سے سکول نہیں کھل رہے تھے ۔
The birds had not been singing for two months. پرندے دو مہینوں تک نہیں گا رہے تھے ۔


Interrogative Sentences

Structure of Interrogative Sentences in Past Perfect Continuous Tense is given below.

Had + Subject + been + ing form of verb + object + since/for+ time?

Had you been going there for a few months? کیا تم چند مہینے وہاں جاتے رہے تھے ؟
Had she been going to the park since many months? کیا وہ چند مہینے پارک جاتی رہی تھی ؟
Had people been going to the market since last year? کیا لوگ پچھلے سال سے بازار نہیں جا رہے تھے ؟
Had I been watching match since morning? کیا میں صبح سے میچ دیکھ رہا تھا ؟
Had you been visiting Murree for two years? کیا تم دو سال سے مری جا رہے تھے ؟
Had she been singing the song since many years? کیا وہ کئی سالوں سے گنگنا رہی تھی ؟
Had I been working in the factory since last year? کیا میں پچھلے سال سے فیکٹری میں کام کر رہا تھا ؟
Had we been washing the car for two hours? کیا ہم دو گھنٹوں سے گاڑی دھو رہے تھے ؟
Had I been waiting for her for three hours? کیا میں 3 گھنٹے سے اس کا انتظار کر رہا تھا؟
Had they been colouring the book for two hours? کیا وہ دو سال سے کتاب میں رنگ بھر رہے تھے ؟

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching.

Negative + Interrogative Sentences

Structure of Negative + Interrogative Sentences in Past Perfect Continuous Tense is given below

Had + subject + not been + ing form + object + since/for + time?

Had I not been working in office since morning? کیا میں صبح سے آفس میں کام نہیں کر رہا تھا ؟
Had you not been going to the zoo for two years? کیا تم دو سال سے چڑیا گھر نہیں جا  رہے تھے؟
Had she not been teaching in school for 3 hours? کیا وہ تین گھنٹے سے سکول میں نہیں پڑھا رہی تھی ؟
Had they not been visiting the zoo since many years? کیا وہ کئی سالوں سے چڑیا گھر کی سیر نہیں کر رہے تھے ؟
Had we not been watching T.V for two hours? کیا ہم دو گھنٹے سے ٹی وی نہیں دیکھ رہے تھے؟
Had they been singing for two hours? کیا وہ دو گھنٹوں سے گنگنا رہے تھے؟
Had he been sleeping since evening? کیا وہ شام سے سو رہا تھا؟
Had she been playing for two hours? کیا وہ دو گھنٹوں سے کھیل رہی تھی ؟

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching. You will learn Past Perfect Continuous Tense with simplest examples and structures with exercises as well.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching. You will learn Past Perfect Continuous Tense with simplest examples and structures with exercises as well.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures. Very important blog for the students and English learners as Past Perfect Continuous Tense is a little complicated with addition of Since and For. But no worries, we are here with the solution and solution is Our Technique of Teaching.


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