
Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Written by Tayyab

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

یہ ٹینس ایک ایسا ایکشن ظاہر کرتا ہے جس میں کوئی کام ماضی قریب میں ایک مخصوص وقت میں جاری حالت میں پایا جاتا ہے ۔

فقرے کے آخر میں رہا ہے ، رہی ہے ، رہے ہیں ، رہا ہوں وغیرہ آتا ہے ۔

  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense uses the fourth form of verb(first form + ing).
  • Helping Verbs used in Present Perfect Continuous Tense are Has Been and Have Been.
  • Has Been is used with the subjects He, She, It and Singular Nouns
  • Have Been is used with the subjects I, We, You, They and Plural Nouns

Present Perfect Continuous Tense is different from Present Perfect Tense and Present Continuous Tense is the way that Present Perfect Continuous Tense is incomplete without the reference of time. While Present Perfect and Present Continuous Tense do not need time reference. We use Since/For in the sentences to elaborate the time. One thing here is most important and that is the Use of Since and For

Use of Since

When we are given the Point of Time, we will use Since with that. By point of time we mean that we must know the exact time of start of certain action. For example since morning, since evening, since Friday, since 13 February, since 2020, since 9’o clock etc.

Use of For

When we are given the Period of Time, we will use For with that. By Period of time we mean that we only know the duration of action, not the time of start of action. For example for 10 minutes, for 3 days, for 6 months, for 4 years, for many days, for months, for years etc.

Example Sentences

Positive: It has been raining for two hours.

Negative: It has not been raining for two hours

Interrogative: Has it been raining for two hours?

Interrogative + Negative: Has it not been raining for two hours?

Positive Sentences:

Structure of Positive Sentences in Present Perfect Continuous Tense is given below

Subject + has/have been + v1-ing  + object + since/for + time reference

It has been raining for two hours. دو گھنٹوں سے بارش ہو رہی ہے ۔
He has been writing a story since morning. وہ صبح سے کہانی لکھ رہا ہے ۔
She has been cleaning the floor for two hours. وہ دو گھنٹوں سے فرش صاف کر رہی ہے ۔
I have been watching TV for one week. میں ایک ہفتے سے ٹی وی دیکھ رہا ہوں ۔
They have been singing songs since evening. وہ شام سے گانا گا رہے ہیں ۔
She has been playing hockey for many years. وہ کئی سالوں سے ہاکی کھیل رہی ہے ۔
You have been writing a story for one month. تم ایک مہینے سے کہانی لکھ رہے ہو۔
She has been washing clothes since morning. وہ صبح سے کپڑے دھو رہی ہے ۔
He has been collecting coins since his childhood. وہ بچپن سے سکے جمع کر رہا ہے ۔
She has been applying Henna for one hour. وہ ایک گھنٹے سے مہندی لگا رہی ہے ۔

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.


Negative Sentences:

Structure of Negative sentences is given as

Subject + has/have not been + v1-ing  + object + since/for + time reference

She has not been reading her lesson for two hours. وہ دو گھنٹے سے اپنا سبق یاد نہیں کر رہی ہے ۔
He has not been working in this office since he was young. وہ اپنی جوانی سے یہاں کام نہیں کر رہا ہے ۔
It has not been peeling off for one week. یہ ایک ہفتے سے اکھڑ نہیں رہا ہے ۔
He has not been going to the zoo for two weeks. وہ دو ہفتے سے چڑیا گھر نہیں جا رہا ہے ۔
I have not been plucking the flowers since evening. میں رات سے پھول نہیں توڑ رہی ہوں ۔
They have not been working here for many years. وہ کئی سالوں سے یہاں  کام نہیں کر رہا ہے ۔
We have not been playing hockey for many hours. ہم کئی گھنٹوں سے ہاکی نہیں کھیل رہے ہیں ۔
I have not been eating lunch for one hour. میں ایک گھنٹے سے کھانا نہیں کھا رہی ہوں ۔
The passengers have not been waiting for bus since morning. مسافر صبح سے بس کا انتظار نہیں کر رہے ہیں ۔
It has not been working for two hours. یہ دو گھنٹے سے کام نہیں کر رہی ہے ۔

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Interrogative Sentences:

Has/Have+ Subject + been + v1-ing + Object + since/for+ time reference?

Have you been writing a letter for many years? کیا تم کئی سالوں سے خط لکھتے رہے ہو؟
Has she been working here since her childhood? کیا وہ اپنے بچپن سے یہاں کام کر رہی ہے ؟
Has he been watching TV since evening? کیا وہ شام سے ٹی وی دیکھ رہا ہے؟
Have they been visiting the zoo for two weeks? کیا وہ دو ہفتوں سے چڑیا گھر کی سیر کرنے جا رہے ہیں ؟
Have you been working here for one month? کیا تم ایک مہینے سے یہاں کام کر رہی ہو؟
Has she been playing with doll for many hours? کیا وہ کئی گھنٹوں سے گڑیا کے ساتھ کھیل رہی ہے ؟
Have I been eating since morning? کیا میں صبح سے کھا رہا ہوں ؟
Has he been starting new business for one week? کیا وہ ایک ہفتے سے نیا بزنس شروع کر رہا ہے ؟
Has she been working here for two months? کیا وہ دو مہینے سے یہاں کام کر رہی ہے؟
Have you been playing for one hour? کیا تم ایک گھنٹے سے کھیل رہے ہو ؟
Have I been watching TV since evening? کیا میں شام سے ٹی وی دیکھ رہا ہوں؟
Has she been cleaning the floor since morning? کیا وہ صبح سے فرش صاف کر رہی ہے ؟
Has he been writing a letter for two hours?  کیا وہ دو گھنٹوں سے خط لکھ رہا ہے ؟


Negative + Interrogative Sentences:

Has/Have + subject + not been + v1-ing + object + since/for + time reference?

Have you not been eating lunch for an hour? کیا تم ایک گھنٹے سے کھانا نہیں کھا رہے ہو ؟
Has he not been playing chess for two hours? کیا وہ دو گھنٹے سے شطتنج نہیں کھیل رہا ہے ؟
Have I not been writing homework since morning? کیا میں صبح سے اپنا ہوم ورک نہیں لکھ رہا ہوں؟
Have you not been waiting for bus for three hours? کیا تم تین گھنٹوں سے بس کا انتظار نہیں کر رہے ہو؟
Has he not helping the poor since his childhood? کیا وہ بچپن سے غریبوں کی مدد نہیں کر رہا ہے ؟
Have I not been finishing my task since morning? کیا میں صبح سے اپنا کام ختم نہیں کر رہی ہوں؟
Have you not been waiting for your turn since morning? کیا تم صبح سے اپنی باری کا انتظار نہیں کر رہے ہو؟


Present Perfect Continuous Tense in English and Urdu with examples and structures for students to learn and understand it better. Present Perfect continuous tense shows an action that started at present and continued for sometime and then got completed. For such kind of actions, we use Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

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Present Perfect Continuous Tense

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