English Sentences

Ramadan English To Urdu Sentences To Speak English

Ramadan English To Urdu Sentences To Speak English
Written by Tayyab


In this lesson, you are going to learn very amazing and interesting Ramadan English To Urdu Sentences. These are some easy but difficult phrases. When creating phrases on Ramadan, the majority of students make mistakes. A few phrases which we avoid using in our regular English talks are the reason behind it. I will provide you with a list of Ramadan English to urdu sentences to make these sentences easier for you to understand. So keep in touch with us and scroll down to learn these sentences. I hope these sentences are very helpful for you in English speaking during Ramadan.

Ramadan Sentences List 1:

The Ramadan English to Urdu Sentences List 1 will be covered in this section. Just stay with us and scroll down!

English Urdu
What time is it in Iftar? اِفطاری میں کتنا وقت ہے؟
Fasting was tough today. آج روزہ سخت تھا۔
I was feeling thirsty today. آج پیاس لگ رہی تھی۔
The fast was very  pleasant. روزہ بہت اچھا گزر ہا ۔
Enjoy Iftar today. آج اِفطاری میں  مزہ آیا۔
Today is the iftar party. آج اِفطار پارٹی ہے۔
The fast has broken. روزہ کھل گیا۔
When will be the fast open? روزہ کب کھلے گا؟
Its time to open the Fast. روزہ کھل گیا ہے۔
How many fast have you observing? آپ نے کتنے روزے رکھے؟
Are You observing fast? کیا آپ نے روزہ رکھا ہے؟
I have broken my fast. میرا روزہ ٹوٹ گیا ہے۔
What is to cook in iftari today? آج کیا پکانا ہے اِفطاری کے لیے؟
Fasting is good for health? روزہ صحت کے لیے مفید ہے۔

Ramadan English To Urdu Sentences To Speak English

Ramadan Sentences List 2:

The Ramadan English to Urdu Sentences List 2 will be covered in this section. Just stay with us and scroll down!

English Urdu
I offered prayer five times۔ میں نے پانچ بارنماز پڑھی۔
You should observe fast. تمہیں روزہ رکھنا  چاہیئے۔
How you observe fast today. کیا آپ نے آج روزہ رکھا ہے۔
I have observed all the fast. میں نے سارے روزے رکھے ہیں۔
Let’s go to the offer prayer. چلو نماز پڑھنے چلیں۔
Have you done the ablution? کیا آپ نے وُضو کیا ہے؟
We celebrate Eid after observing the fast. ہم روزے رکھنے کے بعد عید مناتے ہیں
Eid is around the corner. عید آنے والی ہے۔
We celebrate Eid with great pomp. ہم عید بہت پر جوشی سے مناتے ہیں۔
Fasting is an obligation upon all adult Muslims. روزہ رکھنا ہر بالغ سلمان پر فرض ہے۔
Break the fast by having dates. کھجور سے روزہ کھولو۔
He has broken the fast. اس نے روزہ توڑدیا ۔
I am fasting. میرا روزہ ہے۔
I am reciting the Quran. میں قرآن پڑھ رہا ہوں۔

Ramadan English To Urdu Sentences To Speak English

Ramadan Sentences List 3:

The Ramadan English to Urdu Sentences List 3 will be covered in this section. Just stay with us and scroll down!

English Urdu
When will fast stop. روزہ کب بند ہو گا۔
Will you observe fast tomorrow. آپ کل روزہ رکھو گے۔
Wake up for pre-down meal. سحری کے لیے اُٹھ جاؤ۔
It was getting prayer call early morning. صبح صبح آذان ہو رہی تھی۔
The time of sehri is taking away. سحری کا وقت نکل رہا ہے۔
What cooked in iftar? اِفطار میں کیا پکانا ہے؟
What would you like in sehri? سحری میں کیا لو گے۔
I want to eat biryani in sehri. مجھے سحری میں بریانی کھانی ہے۔
How many hours are in fast. روزہ کتنے گھنٹوں کا ہوتا ہے؟
How was the experience of fast. آپ کا روزہ کیسا گزرا؟
Ramadan is a holy month. رمضان ایک پاک مہینہ ہے۔
Its time to Iftar. اِفطار کا ٹائم ہو گیا۔
Make Intention to fast. روزہ کھولنے  کی نیت کر لو۔
He has broken the Fast. اس نے روزہ توڑ دیا ہے۔

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