
Prepositions | Rules of Prepositions | How to Use Prepositions in Sentence

Rules of Prepositions with examples. Learn the use of prepositions with examples. Rules of prepositions in English and Urdu. 9 Rules of Prepositions with detailed explanation and examples. 200 Prepositions with rules and example sentences. 
Written by Tayyab

Rules of Prepositions with examples. Learn the use of prepositions with examples. Rules of prepositions in English and Urdu. 9 Rules of Prepositions with detailed explanation and examples. 200 Prepositions with rules and example sentences. Learn the Rules of Prepositions with example sentences. All the Rules of Prepositions with examples of each.

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Rule NO.1: Always use “to” after the following words.

Accede to مان لینا Indebted to ممنون
Accustomed to عادی Kind to مہربان
Addicted to عادی Lead to رہنمائ کرنا
Adhere to چمٹے رہنا Loyal to وفادار
Adjacent to ملحقہ Necessary to ضروری
Assent to منظوری دینا Obliged to احسان مند
Attend to توجہ دینا Opposite to کے سامنے
Belong to تعلق رکھنا Object to اعتراض کرنا
Concede to اعتراف کرنا Prefer to ترجیح دینا
Contrary to کے برعکس Senior to رتبہ میں بڑا
Devote to وقف کرنا Junior to رتبہ میں چھوٹا
Dedicated to منسوب Superior to معیار میں اعلی
Eager to مشتاق Inferior to معیار میں گھٹیا
Equal to مساوی Talk to سے باتیں کرنا
Fatal to مہلک Trend to رجحان ہونا
Faithful to وفادار True to سچا،پکا
Harmful to نقصان دہ Introduce to متعارف کروانا
Injurious to نقصان دہ Yield to تسلیم کرنا
Invite to دعوت دینا Prior to سے پہلے
Indifferent to لاپرواہ Preferable to قابل ترجیح



God is kind on us. (incorrect)

God is kind to us.  (correct)

She belongs with a noble family. (incorrect)

She belongs to a noble family. (correct)

Always use “to” after the following words.


Rule NO.2: Always use “of” after the following words.

Accuse of الزام لگانا Dispose of فروخت کرنا
Afraid of خائف Dream of خواب دیکھنا
Ashamed of شرمندہ Envious of رشک کرنے والا
Approve of منظوری دینا Fond of شوقین
Avail of فائدہ اٹھانا Hopeful of ُُپُریقین
Aware of باخبر رہنا Jealous of حاسد
Beware of محتاط رہنا Insensible of ناسمجھ
Boast of شیخی بکھارنا Negligent of غافل
Certain of پُریقین Proud of مغرور
Confident of پُراعتماد Remind of یاد دلانا
Consist of مشتمل ہونا Repent of پچھتانا
Conscious of باخبر Sure of پُریقین
Deprived of محروم کرنا Vain of مغرور
Desirous of خواہش مند Worthy of اہل



He was afraid from a lion. (incorrect)

He was afraid of a lion.  (correct)

She is worthy for this post. (incorrect)

She is worthy of this post. (correct)

Rule NO.2: Always use “of” after the following words.

Rule NO.3: Always use “for” after the following words.

Affection for پیار،محبت Desire for خواہش کرنا
Apologies for معذرت کرنا Eligible for اہل
Blame for الزام دینا Famous for مشہور
Bound for پابند Long for خواہش کرنا
Candidate for امیدوار Notorious for بدنام
Care for پرواہ Taste for زوق ،دلچسپی



This train is bound to Lahore.  (incorrect)

This train is bound for Lahore. (correct)

He is not eligible of this post. (incorrect)

He is not eligible for this post. (correct)

Rule NO.3: Always use “for” after the following words.

Rule NO.4: Always use “with” after the following words.

Amuse with لطف اندوذ ہونا Impressed with متاثر
Acquainted with واقف،شناسا Infested with پُر،بھرا ہوا
Beat with مارنا،پیٹنا Pleased with خوش
Busy with مصروف Popular with ہردلعزیز
Charge with الزام لگانا Quarrel with لڑنا
Condole with تعزیت کرنا Satisfied with مطمئن
Comply with تعمیل کرنا Sympathies with ہمدردی کرنا
Displeased with ناراض Teem with سے بھرا ہوا
Interfere with مداخلت کرنا Trust with حوالے کرنا



He was charged of theft. (incorrect)

He was charged with theft. (correct)

She is busy in her work. (incorrect)

She is busy with her work. (correct)

Rule NO.4: Always use “with” after the following words.

Rule NO.5: Always use “at” after the following words.

Aim at نشانہ باند ھنا Glad at خوش
Alarmed at خبردار ہونا Jeer at منہ چڑانا
Amazed at حیران Knock at دستک دینا
Annoyed at ناراض Laugh at مذاق اڑانا
Disappointed at مایوس Stare at گھورنا



Do not laugh on the poor. (incorrect)

Do not laugh at the poor. (correct)

She was very glad on her success. (incorrect)

She was very glad at her success.  (correct)

Rule NO.5: Always use “at” after the following words.

Rule NO.6: Always use “on” after the following words.

Avenge on بدلہ لینا Impose on نافذ کرنا
Comment on تبصرہ کرنا Insist on اصرار کرنا
Depend on/upon انحصار کرنا Rely on بھروسہ کرنا
Knock on دستک دینا    



Do not depend at fair weather friends. (incorrect)

Do not depend on fair weather friends. (correct)

You should rely at your good friends. (incorrect)

You should rely on your good friends. . (correct)

Rule NO.6: Always use “on” after the following words.

Rule NO.7: Always use “in” after the following words.

Believe in یقین کرنا Lack in کمی ہونا
Clothed in ملبوس Meddle in مداخلت کرنا
Deal in کاروبارکرنا Persist in ثابت قدم
Deficient in کمی ہونا Proficient in ماہر
Excel in سبقت لے جانا Trust in بھروسہ کرنا



Always trust on God. (incorrect)

Always trust in God. (correct)

Please believe on me. (incorrect)

Please believe in me. (correct)

Rule NO.6: Always use “on” after the following words.


Rule NO.8: Do not use any preposition with the following verbs.

Pass پاس ہونا Love محبت کرنا
Meet ملنا Marry شادی کرنا
Discuss بحث کرنا Reach پہنچنا
Affect اثر کرنا Attack حملہ کرنا
Know جاننا Resemble مشا بہت رکھنا



She loves with books. (incorrect)

She loves books. (correct)

He reached at the station in time. (incorrect)

He reached the station in time. (correct)

But when “married” and “known” are used in passive voice sentences we use “to” with them.


He married to his cousin. (incorrect)

He married his cousin. (correct)

He was married with his cousin. (incorrect)

He was married to his cousin. (correct)

Rule NO.8: Do not use any preposition with the following verbs

Rule NO.9: The use of preposition with the verbs in the following sentences is necessary.

Incorrect                                                                      correct

The pen is to write. The pen is to write with.
The road is to go. The road is to go by.
I gave him a gun to shoot. I gave him a gun to shoot with.
Please get a chair to sit. Please get a chair to sit on.
Whom was she talking? Whom was she talking to?
What is he looking? What is he looking at?
This is the story she is interested. This is the story she is interested in.
The patient has been operated. The patient has been operated upon.
He has a decent house to live. He has a decent house to live in.
The stick to walk. The stick to walk with.
The knife is to cut. The knife is to cut with.

Rule NO.9: The use of preposition with the verbs in the following sentences is necessary.

Rule NO.10: Some verbs take different prepositions according to the meaning and context.

Abide by پابندی کرنا Work out تخمینہ لگانا
Abstain from پرہیز کرنا Work up اشتعال دلانا
Act upon عمل کرنا Quick at کسی خوبی میں تیزہونا
Add to اضافہ کرنا Quick in کسی کام میں تیز ہونا
Agree with کسی شخص سےمتفق ہونا Bring out شائع کرنا
Agree to کسی تجویز سےمتفق ہونا Bring about کا باعث بننا
Angry with کسی شخص سے ناراض ہونا Call in طلب کرنا
Angry at کسی بات پر ناراض ہونا Call on کسی شخص سے ملنا
Anxious about کسی شخص کے لیے فکرمندہونا Call at کسی شخص سے کسی جگہ ملنا
Anxious for کسی چیز کے لیے فکرمندہونا Come of تعلق رکھنا
Apply to کسی سے درخواست کرنا Come off منعقد ہونا
Apply for کسی کام کےلیے درخواست کرنا Compare with ایک ہی جنس کی چیزوں کامقابلہ کرنا
Blind of اندھا ہونا Compare to مختلف جنس کی چیزوں کا مقابلہ کرنا
Blind to بےخبر ہونا Die of بیماری سے مرنا
Break down خراب ہونا Die with بھوک سے مرنا
Break in to نقب لگانا Die from حادثہ سےمرنا
Break out اچانک شروع ہونا Die by ہتھیارسےمرنا
Break with سے تعلق توڑلینا Differ from مختلف ہونا
Bring up پرورش کرنا Differ with اختلاف کرنا
Familiar to کسی شخص سے واقف Engage in مصروف ہونا
Familiar with کسی چیز سے واقف Engage to منگنی ہونا
Glance at نظر ڈالنا Fall in قطار بنانا
Guard against بچانا Fall out لڑناجھگڑنا
Give up ترک کرنا Fall off سے گرنا
Give away تقسیم کرنا Feel for احساس ہونا
Good at اچھا ہونا Forgive for معاف کرنا
Hand over حوالے کرنا See off خداحافظ کہنا
Hanker after آرزو کرنا Set up قائم کرنا
Hostile to موافق نہ ہونا Set in موسم وغیرہ کاشروع ہونا
Look after دیکھ بھال کرنا Stand by ساتھ دینا
Look for تلاش کرنا Suffer from مبتلا ہونا
Look up معنی تلاش کرنا Take after مشابہ ہونا
Part with کسی چیز سے جدا ہونا Take off اتارنا
Part from کسی شخص سے جدا ہونا Tire of کسی شخص یاچیزسے تنگ آجانا
Pray to کسی سے دعا کرنا Tire with تھک جانا
Pray for کسی کے لیے دعا کرنا Wait for انتظار کرنا
Put by بچت کرنا Trust in بھروسہ کرنا
Put on پہننا Weak in کمزور
Put off ملتوی کرنا Put out بجھانا

Rule NO.10: Some verbs take different prepositions according to the meaning and context.

Rule NO.10: Some verbs take different prepositions according to the meaning and context.

Rule NO.11: Some important rules in use of preposition.

1) We use “on” with date and day.

  1. a) He met me on Monday.
  2. b) He met me on 14th

2) We use “in” with month name and year.

  1. a) He met me in August.
  2. b) He met me in 2000

3) We use “at” with time.

  1. a) He arrived at 5p.m.

4) We use “in” before name of seasons.

  1. a) Flowers blossom in the spring.

5) We use “in” after lecturer and use “of” after professor.

  1. a) His elder brother is a lecturer in English.
  2. b) His father is a professor of English.

Rule NO.11: Some important rules in use of preposition.

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Preposition Use with Rules and Examples

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