English Sentences

Sentences in Anger | Urdu to English Sentences to Use in Anger

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.
Written by Tayyab

Welcome to our website dedicated to exploring the impact of sentences spoken in anger. Anger is a universal emotion, and we’ve all experienced moments when heated words escape our lips, often leaving lasting scars on relationships and well-being. In this space, we aim to delve into the complexities of this common yet destructive aspect of human communication.

We’ll uncover the psychology behind why anger leads to hurtful sentences and how these words can affect not only the recipient but also the speaker. Understanding the triggers and consequences of such sentences is vital for personal growth and healthier interactions. We’ll also provide practical tips and strategies for managing anger and transforming our speech into a force for constructive communication.

By exploring the phenomenon of sentences spoken in anger, we hope to promote empathy, self-awareness, and ultimately foster healthier relationships both at home and in our wider communities. Join us on this journey towards more mindful and harmonious communication.

English to Urdu sentences that you can use in Anger. English language has now become the most important language on this globe and we are here to provide you all you need to knw about English. 

In this lesson, you will learn some sentences through which you can express your anger and frustration. You can also download FREE of Cost PDF at at bottom.

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.

زبان سنبھال کے۔ Watch your mouth.
بس بہت ہوا۔ Enough is enough.
کیا مصیبت ہے۔ What the heck.
کیا مطلب ہے تمہارا۔ What do you mean!
بہت ہوا دیکھو اب۔ That does it.
تم میرے سامنے ایسے کیسے کر سکتے ہو۔ How could you do this to me!
دماغ کی دہی نہ کرو۔ Don’t mess with my mind.
ہمت کیسے ہوئی تمہاری۔ How dare you!
سمجھتے کیا ہو خود کو۔ What do you think you are!
جو بھی ہو۔ Whatever!
تم سے مطلب۔ None of your business!
آواز نیچے۔ Lower your voice.
سب تہاری وجہ سے ہوا۔ It’s all because of you!
کر لو جو کرنا ہے۔ Do whatever you want to do.
لکھ لو میری بات۔ Mark my words.
اپنی اوقات میں رہو۔ Be in your limits!
میں تمہیں چھوڑوں گا نہیں۔ I won’t spare you!
کون کہتا ہے۔ Who says?
میری لاش پر سے۔ Over my dead body.
اس نے پیسے دے مارے۔ He shoved money.
میں غصے میں ہوش کھو دیتا ہوں۔ I lose my mind in anger.
خاموشی سے بیٹھ جاؤ ورنہ دفع ہوجاؤ۔ Sit silently otherwise be off from here.
دور ہوجاو میری نظروں سے۔ Get out of my sight.
تم کسی کام کے نہیں۔ You are of no use.
اپنی زبان کو لگام دو۔ Keep check on your language.

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.

50 English to Urdu Sentences to use in Anger, Rage Sentences! 50 Anger-Inspiring English Phrases with Urdu Translation, you can learn commonly used English expressions when you’re angry. When you’re furious with someone, this important lesson will help you speak English fluently.

Sentences to Speak in Anger PDF

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