English Sentences

Speak English with Children | Daily used English Sentences

Speak English with your children using these English to Urdu sentences. Remember, you have to train your children from home, if you want them to speak English fluently. Provide them English speaking environment at home so they get used to that English speaking environment. 
Written by Tayyab

Speak English with your children using these English to Urdu sentences. Remember, you have to train your children from home, if you want them to speak English fluently. Provide them English speaking environment at home so they get used to that English speaking environment. 

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Speak English with Children

Following sentences can be useful for you to speak English with your children.

Speak English with your children using these English to Urdu sentences. Remember, you have to train your children from home, if you want them to speak English fluently. Provide them English speaking environment at home so they get used to that English speaking environment. 

Speak English with Your Children

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·       Hello, kids!
ہیلو، بچو!
·       Good morning, my little one.
صبح بخیر، میرے چھوٹے
·       How are you feeling today?
آپ آج کیسامحسوس کر رہے ہیں؟
·       Did you get enough sleep last night?
کیا آپ نےکل رات اپنی نیندپوری کی؟
·       Let’s have breakfast together.
چلیں ہم ساتھ ناشتہ کریں۔
·       It’s a beautiful day outside.
باہر خوبصورت دن ہے۔
·       What would you like to play today?
آپ آج کیا کھیلنا چاہیں گے؟
·       I love you very much.
میں تم سے بہت محبت کرتا/کرتی ہوں۔
·       Can you show me your favorite toy?
کیا آپ مجھے اپنی پسندیدہ کھلونا دکھا سکتے ہیں؟
·       Be careful while crossing the road.
سڑک پار کرتے وقت محتاط رہیں۔
·       Always say “please” and “thank you.”
ہمیشہ “براہ کرم” اور “شکریہ” کہیں۔
·       Let’s read a story before bedtime.
آؤ سونے سے پہلے کہانی پڑھیں۔
·       Brush your teeth before going to sleep.
سونے سے پہلے دانت صاف کریں۔
·       What did you learn at school today?
آپ نے آج اسکول میں کیا باتیں سیکھیں؟
·       Don’t forget to say your prayers.
اپنی نماز نہیں بھولنا۔
·       Share your toys with your friends.
اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ اپنے کھلونے بانٹیں۔
·       Mom and Dad are here to help you.
ماں اور باپ یہاں ہیں تاکہ آپ کی مدد کر سکیں۔
·       You can achieve anything if you work hard.
آپ اگر محنت کریں تو کچھ بھی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔
·       Let’s go for a walk in the park.
چلیں پارک میں سیر کریں۔
·       Sweet dreams, my dear.
خوشی کے خواب، میری پیاری بیٹی/بیٹے۔

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