Vocabulary plays an important role in English speaking. If you have good command on vocabulary then you can easily speak English. Vocabulary is not only important for learners but also for teachers. Synonyms are an important part of vocabulary. Students should learn these vocabulary words with synonyms for beginners and its Urdu translation and practice these words in their daily conversation. Good vocabulary source means “a good command over Synonyms”. Just download its PDF so that you can easily get access to it even if when you are offline. If you are rich in Synonyms vocabulary then you are rich in English speaking and writing skills. So go through this lesson and get enough knowledge of Synonyms from it. So here we start our lesson.

Sr.No |
Words |
Synonyms |
ترجمہ |
1 |
Hardly |
Scarcely |
بمشکل |
2 |
Room |
Space |
جگہ |
3 |
To spare |
To leave |
بچ جانا |
4 |
Immense |
Huge |
بہت بڑا |
5 |
Contain |
Take in |
سمو لینا |
6 |
Probably |
Perhaps |
شاید |
7 |
Grains |
Particles |
ذرے |
8 |
Sea-shore |
Coast |
ساحل سمندر |
9 |
Universe |
World |
دنیا |
10 |
Wander about |
Go round |
گردش کرنا؛ گھومنا |
11 |
Journey |
Travel |
سفر کرنا |
12 |
Alone |
Without company |
تنہا |
13 |
Indeed |
Surely, certainly |
بلا شبہ |
14 |
Voyage |
Sea journey |
سمندر کا سفر |
15 |
Seldom |
Very rare |
کبھی کبھی |
16 |
However |
In spite of this |
تاہم |
17 |
Took place |
Occurred |
رونماہوا |
18 |
Blindly |
Aimlessly |
اندھادھند |
19 |
Raise |
Produce |
اُبھارنا |
20 |
Tides |
High waves |
طوفانی لہر |
21 |
Mass |
Volume |
جسامت |
22 |
Forming |
Creating |
بناتے ہوۓ |
23 |
Imagine |
Think; fancy |
تصور کرنا |
24 |
Cause |
Reason |
سبب |
25 |
Disturbance |
Upset |
گڑبڑ |
26 |
Ever since |
Since that time |
اس وقت سے لے کر اب تک |
27 |
Extremely |
Greatly |
حد سے ذیادہ |
28 |
Exist |
Survive |
بچنا؛ ذندہ رہنا |
29 |
Gradually |
Slowly |
رفتہ رفتہ |
30 |
Entirely |
Fully |
ساری کی ساری |
31 |
Pours |
Drop |
انڈیلنا |
32 |
Organisms |
Living bodies |
زندہ اشیاء |
33 |
Chiefly |
Mostly |
زیادہ تر |
34 |
Reproduce |
Procreate |
نسل بڑھانا |
35 |
Humble |
Simple |
ادنی،معمولی |
36 |
Complex |
Not simple |
پیچیدہ |
37 |
Produce |
Create |
پیدا کرنا |
38 |
Feelings |
Sensations |
احساسات |
39 |
Ambitions |
Desires |
بلند خواہشات |
40 |
Noblest |
Sublime |
بہترین |

41 |
Although |
Though |
اگرچہ |
42 |
Discover |
To explore |
جاننا |
43 |
Nature |
Reality |
اصلیت |
44 |
Purpose |
Goal; Aim |
مقصد |
45 |
Surrounds |
Envelops |
گھیرے میں لیے ہوۓ |
46 |
Frightening |
Fearful |
خوفناک |
47 |
Seem |
Appear |
دکھائ دینا |
48 |
Rough |
Coarse |
غیر محتاط |
49 |
Calculation |
Estimate |
تخمینہ |
50 |
Suitable |
Fit |
مناسب،موزوں |
51 |
Appearance |
Existence |
ظہور |
52 |
State |
Form |
حالت |
53 |
Collection |
Group |
مجموعہ |
54 |
Scattered |
Spread |
بکھرے ہوۓ |
55 |
Provide |
Supply |
مہیا کرنا |
56 |
Warmth |
Heat |
حرارت |
57 |
Absolute |
Definite |
قطعی |
58 |
Frost |
Fog |
دُھند |
59 |
Beyond |
Far away |
پرے،دور |
60 |
Belt |
Zone |
پٹی |

61 |
Benefited |
Profited |
فائدہ |
62 |
Foods |
Eatables |
اشیاۓ خوردنی |
63 |
Preservations |
Keeping fresh |
محفوظ کرنا |
64 |
Construction |
Building |
تعمیر |
65 |
Consider |
Think |
سمجھنا ، خیال کرنا |
66 |
Strange |
Odd, not usual |
عجیب وغریب |
67 |
Disease |
Ailment |
بیماری |
68 |
Little fellow |
Child |
بچہ |
69 |
Over |
Finished |
ختم کرنا |
70 |
Spread |
Prevail |
پھیل جانا |
71 |
Expect |
Anticipate |
توقع کرنا |
72 |
Causes |
Reasons |
اسباب |
73 |
Sanitary |
Hygienic |
صحت و صفائ |
74 |
Poorly |
Defective, badly |
ناقص |
75 |
Wander |
Roam |
آوارہ پھرنا |
76 |
Paved |
Bricked |
پختہ |
77 |
Prevent |
Check |
روکنا |
78 |
Bucket |
Pail |
بالٹی |
79 |
Germs |
Bugs, microbes |
جراثیم |
80 |
Canned |
Tinned |
ڈبوں میں بند |

81 |
Practical |
Realistic |
عملی |
82 |
Leisure |
Spare |
فا رغ |
83 |
Influenced |
Affected |
متاثر ہونا |
84 |
Sound |
Solid |
ٹھوس |
85 |
Willing |
Ready |
رضامند |
86 |
Assume |
Suppose |
فرض کرنا |
87 |
Assign |
Allot |
سونپنا، ذمے لگانا |
88 |
Sharpen |
Mend |
تیز کرنا |
89 |
Ought to |
Should |
چاہیے |
90 |
Uproot |
Eliminate, eradicate |
جڑ سے اکھاڑ پھینکنا |
91 |
Poise |
Calmness |
ذہنی سکون |
92 |
Fidgets |
Jilters |
بے چینی کی کیفیت |
93 |
Ambition |
Desire for success |
امنگ، تمنا |
94 |
Distinction |
Eminence |
امتیاز |
95 |
Following |
Acting upon |
گامزن ہے |
96 |
Alive to |
Conscious of |
با خبر |
97 |
Mapped out |
Planned |
طے شدہ |
98 |
Interest |
Aptitude |
دلچسپی |
99 |
Warm |
Passionate |
پرجوش |
100 |
Intended |
Meant |
چاہتا تھا |

101 |
Businessman |
Trader |
تاجر |
102 |
Profession |
Avocation |
پیشہ |
103 |
Reason |
Logic |
منطق |
104 |
Argue |
Debate |
دلیل دینا |
105 |
Detest |
Hate |
نفرت کرنا |
106 |
Controversies |
Arguments |
بحث و تمحیص |
107 |
Offend |
Annoy |
ناراض کرنا |
108 |
Float |
Walk |
چلنا |
109 |
Tragedy |
Disaster |
المیہ |
110 |
Receptive |
Responsive |
اثر پزیر |
111 |
Cure |
Treatment |
علاج |
112 |
Sort |
Kind |
قسم |
113 |
Attitude |
Point of view |
انداز نظر |
114 |
Adequate |
Proper |
مناسب |
115 |
Thorough |
Complete |
مکمل |
116 |
Consent |
Agree |
رضامند ہونا |
117 |
Assert |
Declare forcefully |
زور سے دعویٰ کرنا |
118 |
Absorb |
Take in |
جزب کرنا |
119 |
Permit |
Allow |
اجازت دینا |
120 |
Serious |
Solemn |
سنجیدہ |

121 |
Compel |
Force |
مجبور کرنا |
122 |
Consequently |
As a result |
نتیجہ |
123 |
Detriment |
Loss, damage |
نقصان |
124 |
Hurting |
Painful |
دکھ دینے والا |
125 |
Burden |
Pressure |
بوجھ |
126 |
Transfusion |
Shifting |
منتقلی |
127 |
Heartrending |
Very painful |
نہایت تکلیف دہ |
128 |
Spectacle |
Scene |
منظر |
129 |
Excellent |
Superior |
اعلیٰ |
130 |
Inevitably |
Certainly |
لازمی طور پر |
131 |
Alleviate |
Relieve |
نرم کرنا |
132 |
Perverted |
Get turned to wrong use |
گمراہ |
133 |
Range |
Distance |
فاصلہ |
134 |
Bluffer |
Cheater |
دھوکے باز |
135 |
Drift |
Go aimlessly |
آوارہ گردی کرنا |
136 |
Call for |
To demand |
تقاضا کرنا |
137 |
Face |
Confront |
سامنا کرنا |
138 |
Diagnostic |
Detective |
تشخیصی |
139 |
Sins |
Wrong deeds |
گناہ |
140 |
Steadily |
In a balance way |
باقاعدگی سے |
141 |
Dean |
Head of department |
شعبہ کاسربراہ |
142 |
Features |
Aspects |
خصوصیات |
143 |
Recall |
Remember |
یاد کرنا |
144 |
Awakening |
Becoming aware |
شعور، آگہی |
145 |
Supposed |
Considered |
خیال کرنا |
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