English Vocabulary

20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation
Written by Tayyab


This article will discuss exciting Things That Start With A. Here we will talk about different things like Fruits, vegetables Animals, and many other things starting from A. Do you know about many things that start with A join us and look at these things that start from A.

List Of Things That Start From A

In this section, you will get the list of things that start from A. Maybe you know most of these things but some of them you never heard before. So stay with us and scroll down.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

Airplanes are flying machines with wings and engines. These wings and engines allow them to soar through the sky.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

Eating apples is great for you! They’re packed with good stuff like fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. This can help your tummy run smoothly, keep your brain sharp, and even aid weight management.

Alarm Clock

20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

That’s an alarm clock! It’s a type of clock you can set to go off with a bell or a buzzing sound at a specific time, usually to wake you up in the morning.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

Ants are tiny insects known for their enormous colonies. These busy social creatures live together in big groups and most of them can’t fly since they don’t have wings.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

This is the most common and direct term. It’s a heavy metal object, like a hook, that gets thrown overboard and digs into the seabed using a rope or chain. This helps keep the boat from drifting away.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

Avocados are full of healthy fats! Most of their fat (around 60%) is a special type called monounsaturated fat.


20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

That describes an axe! It’s a tough tool with a heavy, sharp blade running along the side of a long handle. Axes are perfect for chopping down trees, splitting logs for firewood, and other heavy-duty cutting tasks.


It’s a vehicle with four wheels, mostly used to get people from one place to another. Most cars run on gasoline, a type of fuel that burns quickly.


The phrase describes an arch. It’s a curved element that bridges an opening, like a doorway or window. Instead of having a flat lintel or beam on top, an arch uses its curve to support the weight above the opening, like a wall or roof.


An animal is a living creature. They can move around, find food to eat, and sense their surroundings. This includes things you can see easily like us humans, but also creatures with amazing senses like smell or hearing, such as dogs or insects.


Artichoke flavor is interesting! It’s a bit like asparagus, with a mild and earthy taste. However, there’s a twist – artichokes have a special ingredient called cynarin that kind of tricks your tongue.

Ampere Meter

An ammeter is like a ruler for electricity! Just like a ruler measures how long something is, an ammeter measures the flow of electricity in a circuit. That flow is called current, and it’s measured in amperes (amps for short).


Most houses have an attic, if you think about it! An attic is that hidden space tucked between the roof and the top floor.


The word alligator comes from a surprising source – Spanish explorers! When these explorers first encountered these giant reptiles in the Americas, they called them “el lagarto” which means “the lizard” in Spanish.


The word “ambulance” has surprising roots! It comes from the Latin verb “ambulare” which means “to walk.” This connection might seem strange at first, but it reflects the history of how the sick and injured were transported.


Apricots are like sunshine in fruit form! These tasty treats are a type of stone fruit, similar to plums but with a softer, velvety skin. They come in a range of colors, from pale yellow to bright orange, and are about the size of a golf ball.


The word “anemone” has a beautiful origin story! It comes from the ancient Greek language. It means “daughter of the wind.” Breaking it down further, “anemos” means “wind” and “-one” is a feminine suffix.


Almonds might fool you! Even though we call them nuts, they’re clever seeds hiding inside a hard shell. Interestingly, almond trees are thought to be some of the first trees that humans ever started growing on purpose!


Alpacas are nature’s fuzzy gift! These adorable animals are prized for their incredibly soft and luxurious fleece, a fiber type.

20+ Things That Start From A With Images And Explanation

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