English Sentences

WH Question Words in English with Urdu Translation

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.
Written by Tayyab

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.

کیا جاننا ہے؟ What to know?
اُس کے بارے میں کیا؟ What about him?
آپ کا کام کیسا چل رہا ہے؟ How about your work?
تم کیا چاہتے ہو؟ What do you want?
آپکی طبیعت کیسی ہے؟ How is your health?
آپکی فیملی کیسی ہے؟ How is your family?
کیا آپ تھکے ہوۓ ہیں؟ Do you feel tired?
آگے کیا؟ What next?
آپ کہاں رہتے ہیں؟ Where do you live?
کیا کریں؟ What to do?
کیا چکھیں؟ What to taste?
ان دنوں کیا چل رہا ہے؟ What’s up these days?
کیا کہیں؟ What to say?
کیا آپ پریشان ہیں؟ Are you upset?
کیا آپ جانا چاہتے ہیں؟ Do you want to go?
آپ کیسے ہیں؟ How are you?
کیا دیکھیں؟ What to see?
کیا پکائیں؟ What to cook?
کیا پڑھیں؟ What to study?
میں ہی کیوں؟ Why me?
ایسا کیوں؟ Why so?
تو کیا؟ So what?
اور کیا؟ What else?
کب کے لیے؟ For when?
کس لیے؟ For what?
کس بارے میں؟ What about?
اور کچھ؟ Anything else?
وہ کیا ہے؟ What is that?
کس کے لیے؟ For whom?
پھر کیا؟ Then what?
اب کیوں؟ Why now?
کیا ہو رہا ہے؟ What’s up?
کیوں نہیں؟ Why not?
کیا ہو اگر؟ What if?
آپ کیوں؟ Why you?
کیوں جانا ہے؟ Why to go?
یہ کون ہے؟ Who is it?
میں کون ہوں؟ Who am i?
کون ہنس رہا ہے؟ Who is laughing?
اب کون؟ Who now?
کہاں جانا ہے؟ Where to go?
کہاں سونا ہے؟ Where to sleep?
کہاں بیٹھنا ہے؟ Where to sit?
کہاں پڑھنا ہے؟ Where to study?
کیسے جانا ہے؟ How to go?
کہاں رہنا ہے؟ Where to live?
کسے بھیجنا ہے؟ Whom to send?
کس سے ملنا ہے؟ Whom to meet?
یہ کس کاہے؟ Whose is this?
وہاں کون ہے؟ Who is there?
کب جانا ہے؟ When to go?
کب سونا ہے؟ When to sleep?
کب بولنا ہے؟ When to speak?
کب ہنسنا ہے؟ When to laugh?
آپ کیسے ہیں؟ How about you?
کیسے شروع کریں؟ How to start?
کیسے ناچنا ہے؟ How to dance?
اب کیا؟ What now?
کیا آپ انگلش سیکھ رہے ہیں؟ Are you learning English?
آپ کیا کرتے ہیں؟ What do you do?
کیا معاملہ ہے؟ What is the matter?
کیا مسئلہ ہے؟ What is the problem?
کیا آپکو مووی اچھی لگی؟ Did you like the movie?
کیا آپکو پارٹی پسند آئی؟ Did you like the party?
کیا آپکو کھانا پسند آیا؟ Did you like the food?
کیا سب ٹھیک ہے؟ Is everything ok?
آپ کا دن کیسا رہا؟ How was your day?
تُم انگلش کیوں پڑھ رہے ہو؟ Why are you studying English?
کیا آپ کو کسی مدد کی ضرورت ہے؟ Do you need any help?
اب آپ کیسا محسوس کر رہے ہیں؟ How are you feeling now?
وہ کون ہے؟ Who is that fellow?
آپ کیا لینا پسند کریں گے؟ What would you like to have?
آپ کا گھر کتنا دور ہے؟ How far is your home?
آپ اپنے فارغ وقت میں کیا کرتے ہیں؟ What do you do in your free time?
کیا آپ شادی شُدہ ہیں؟ Are you married?
کیسے آنا ہوا؟ What brings you here?
آپکا ارادہ کیا ہے؟ What is your intension?
تُم سُنتے کیوں نہیں؟ Why don’t you listen?
یہ کس بارے میں ہے؟ What is it all about?
تُم کب آؤ گے؟ When will you come?
تُم کون ہو؟ Who are you?
تُم کب جاؤ گے؟ When will you go?

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.

WH Question Words with Urdu meanings. Learn to use WH Question words with Urdu Translation. WH Question Words can be used to ask questions. WH Family is used to ask questions. WH Family includes What, When, Why, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Whenever, Whatever, Wherever, Whichever, Whoever etc. In this lesson, you will learn all these words. You can Download FREE PDF of this lesson at the bottom of page.

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